1 min read
Hi there!
Welcome to our new blog – thought we would give you a brief introduction to what it is all about. First of all, This blog offers insights and opinions to the Japanese market from Shop employees and our partners. We hope to keep our posts relatively short but can’t promise we will be able to resist writing a long read every now and then. What we can promise, however, is that we’ll keep it relevant to the Japanese market.
Planning to enter the Japanese market or know someone who is already doing so? You are always more than welcome to share them around if you know the right person who might also be interested. Perhaps you simply feel like sharing the blog post with the world! That would be perfectly fine as well.
If it so happens that you have a comment or a question, you are more than welcome to get in touch. And if you do, we are more than happy to help you to guide in any Japan-related matter.
That’s it! See, that wasn’t really a long post, was it? See you out there!
– Jaakko, Ilari and Shop team

Jaakko Kalsi
Jaakko is the co-founder and the Head of Insights of Shop Consulting Ltd. He lives between Helsinki and Tokyo.

Ilari Laitinen
Ilari is the co-founder and CEO of Shop Consulting Ltd. He is based in Helsinki, Finland.